Archive for the ‘Stemcells general’ category

Stem Cell Science – Video


XVIVO created a series of depictions of stem cell science for Jessica Gerstle for a documentary film she produced on her father’s quadroplegia following a bike accident. These animations described making embryonic stem cells, and the processes of diversification that pluripotent cells undergo to become replacements for cells in tissues and organs that have sustained damage, either through injury or disease.

via Stem Cell Science « XVIVO.

To view the video, follow this link:

Stem Cell Research – ADA


We strongly support the protection and expansion of all forms of stem cell research, which offer great hope for a cure and better treatments for diabetes.

We support legislation and proposals that enhance funding for stem cell research at the federal and state levels.Promise for a CureThere has already been great progress in this area. Important advances have been made through embryonic and adult stem cell research.

The Association supports all forms of stem cell research within a strong ethical framework.Scientists from across the United States and throughout the world – including those involved with the American Diabetes Association – believe that stem cell research, especially embryonic stem cell research, holds great promise in the search for a cure and better treatments for diabetes. Stem cell research allows scientists to better explore ways to control and direct stem cells so they can grow into other cells, such as insulin-producing cells.

via Stem Cell Research – American Diabetes Association.

Is stemcell treatment something for you?



On this blog I will tell my story about the stemcell treatment I have gone through for my Diabetes Type 2. Stemcell treatment is not only for Diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2) but also for a number of other degenerative diseases like Alzheimers, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cancer, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease and HIV/AIDS. Also, Anti-Aging Treatment is performed through stemcell treatment.

I believe stemcells hold the answers to questions we have had for years and they offer a hope for remission and perhaps recovery from some of these diseases or at least stops / slows down the progression of them.

In the time to come I will share my experience, thoughts and information that I come across. Through this blog first hand information can be made availble to assist others in deciding upon stemcell treatment.

All the best
